Multi-Image Field Gallery

FUNCIONA usando las imagenes del campo MULTI-IMAGE de una colección.


A considerar:

  • Puede ser usado solo en CMS COLLECTION PAGES


  1. Crear el campo Multi-image
  2. Colocar un SLIDER en la página, dl ID  MultiImageSlider
  3. Set a background image to a Slide, set to Cover and Position Center (No escojas una imagen aún).
  4. Duplicate the slide to have 25 times. (a slide for each potential image in the Multi-Image field, the custom code will later delete the unnecessary slides).
  5. Place a Collection on the page (this Collection will be visible only in the Design mode, and be hidden on the published site, the purpose of this Collection is to place the images on the page, the custom code will take each image and place it on a slide).
    Bind the Collection to the Multi-Image field.
  6. Give the Collection wrapper the ID: MultiImageCollectionWrapper
  7. Set a background image for each "collection item" to be inherit from the Multi-Image field.
  8. Paste the code (script que hara el vinculo, peudes encontrarlo en los settings de esta página) into the Body of the page.
No items found.